Friday, 28 June 2019

pre-order Sunfall by Moebius Delta

Giles Barrett (from Tigercats and Soup Studio) has made a slow burning electro ambient opus that would be on the United States Spacecraft Discovery One stereo if Eno was at the helm

Thursday, 20 June 2019

pre-order Trains Below The City by The Autobahn of Life

as if Felt and Saint Etienne had recorded the lift music for the Sapporo Winter Olympics in 1972

everything played by Patrick Ralla - the man who helps the Hanging Stars, Birdie, Go-Kart Mozart and the Rockingbirds sound so great

oh, and that's my mum and dad on te cover

Friday, 14 June 2019

pre-order Rhapsody 77 by Hilbert Space (featuring Keiron Phelan)

the second consecutive seventy seven minute tune to feature a flute - here's Rhapsody 77 by Hilbert Space, featuring Keiron Phelan:

"The super-cool David Holmes-produced Roy Budd soundtrack to a 21st Century Blake’s 7, directed by Stephen Soderburgh "

Friday, 7 June 2019

pre-order Primes and Squares by Isnaj Dui

Isnaj Dui. Photo: Christopher Nuun
"Being a book keeper by trade my immediate starting point for the 77 project was to have a look on Wikipedia for anything interesting about the number 77. Turns out it’s quite an intriguing number, made up of the first 8 prime numbers, or the squares of 4, 5 and 6. Primes and Squares is divided up into three main sections of 16, 25 and 36 minutes, as well as smaller sections of 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19 minutes which results in a meet up between the two at 41 minutes."